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All assignments should be listed on your personal website (created during assignment 0). Assignment repos should remain private until the deadline. At which point you should make your repo public so that graders can access it and grade it.

Each assignment is worth 2 points. Criteria is as follows:

  • 0/2: code did not run / little to no completion of the assignment
  • 1/2: code runs and assignment is complete but is missing specific requirements
  • 2/2: code runs and all requirements are met

Graders will be running an automated script to scrape all websites for each assignment. As such it’s critical that:

  1. Your assignment repo should be public after the deadline (not before). Keep it private until the deadline.
  2. The href/link to your assignment’s github repo on your website is exactly named: “Github Link”. Note: capitalization is important here.
  3. The name of the github repository for each assignment should be of the format: bu_username-assignment-X (where X is the assignment number and bu_username is your BU Email ID without, for example: given a bu email of and working on assignment 1: “ayush25-assignment-1” will be the correct GitHub repo name for assignment 1.

If any of these is missing, graders will not be able to find your assignment and you will get 0.

For the first few assignments, if you do get 0 because the grading staff was unable to find your assignment, you will have 24h after grades are returned to fix the issue for a regrade. This second chance will not be available after the first month of classes.

Assignment 0

Due Sep 15
Assignment 0GIT Instructions

Assignment 1

Due Sep 22
Assignment 1 Data Collection and Analysis

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Due OCT 6
Assignment 3 Singular Value Decomposition

Assignment 4

Due OCT 13
Assignment 4 Latent Semantic Analysis

Assignment 5

Due OCT 20
Assignment 5 K-Nearest Neighbors

Assignment 6

Due NOV 3
Assignment 6 Linear Regression

Assignment 7

Assignment 8

Due NOV 17
Assignment 8 Logistic Regression

Assignment 9

Due NOV 24
Assignment 9 Neural Networks

Assignment 10

Due DEC 8
Assignment 10 Image Retrieval