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Elevator Data Visualization


In this lab, you will explore the elevator arrival data collected for our upcoming assignment. The goal is to create insightful visualizations that help us understand patterns and behaviors in the elevator system. This will enhance your data analysis skills and give you hands-on experience with different types of data visualizations.

Data Description

The dataset contains timestamps of elevator arrivals on the ground floor of CDS, along with the elevator IDs. The data was collected over several days during specified time slots. Each row in the dataset represents an instance when an elevator door opened on the ground floor.


  • Download the dataset as a csv.
  • Download the Python notebook template file.
  • Use either Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab to complete the lab (keep in mind, Google Colab may involve some additional configuration to import the data).
  • Create 3 visualizations (bars, charts, etc.) based on the dataset.
  • For each chosen visualization:
    • Complete a code cell in the Python notebook to generate the visualization.
      • The visualization should be well-labeled (x and y axes) and well-sized.
    • Run the cell in the notebook to generate the visualization.
    • Write a brief interpretation of what the visualization reveals about the data.
  • Show the lab instructor your completed visualizations and observations before the lab session ends.

Additional Resources

Happy plotting!